We focused on user friendliness when developing Linator. Not only for those viewing the website, but also for those creating it.
CROSS-NAVIGATION The navigation system that allows you to navigate both up and down through the structure and laterally within groups of documents.
ACCESSIBILITY Linator is fully compliant with all aspects of the W3C standard, HTML 4.01. Websites created using the Linator Editor are accessible to all users.
DATABASE SECURITY In Linator the contents of the database are stored separately from the template. This allows the content to be displayed in a variety of platforms.
GRAPHIC DESIGN The visual profile of the company is customized using style sheets and design elements of various sizes.
MULTIPUBLISHING Linator publishes information from a single database in three different ways.
ORGANIZATION How should the website be structured? What can Linator help you with?
Our conviction is that web surfers of every category, be they the disabled, the blind and/or mobile users, should have a platform on which information and web based experiences are readily accessible.
Linator's approach to this is to use various templates to retrieve information from a database and to generate different ways of presenting this same material. We call this multipublishing.
Storing for the future
The Dead Sea Scrolls. An example of successful information storage.
The Internet is no longer a new and passing phenomenon. Most of the information found there has already been produced. Linator has been specially created to store this information safely and to present it in the formats of the future.
Linator processes large structures and shows the precise location in the structure.