How should the website be structured? What can Linator help you with?
PROCESS CHART Albix AS will monitor the customer's web project and ensure that components are supplied at the agreed time. The steps involved are shown in our process chart.
HIGHLIGTING SELECTED ELEMENTS Selected elements or structures can be emphasized by generating their titles and headers at the top of the structure.
LOGICAL Linator's backbone is a logical structure. How can maximum benefit be derived from this structure?
Linator shows the path to documents using a hierarchical model. The names of documents shown in the correct order provide a good aid to navigating a website. This is particularly true if the document names (links) accurately reflect the contents of the individual page. For the user this represents an alternative to a search function, particularly if the website contains a great deal of unfamiliar material.
The crossed arrows on each web page allow users to navigate horizontally within a group of documents on the same horizontal level and vertically to levels below. (See the system sketch of the structure.)
It is worth noting that the links presented in the right hand column in Linator are to documents located at a vertical level below the current page. (On this page there are only two links in accordance as shown in the sketch.)