Linator's backbone is a logical structure. How can maximum benefit be derived from this structure?
With the exception of those on the lowest level all web pages are "parent pages". They contain links to documents located immediately below - "offspring" pages. These links are shown in the right hand column, in most cases together with the headers to the "offspring" pages.

Of course, when the website is extended, the offspring pages will in turn become the parents of their own offspring. Linator websites can contain an unlimited number of generations, or levels.

New sublevels should be inserted at the point at which it is natural to divide the material. Pages should not be excessively long. Large pages with continuous content should contain homogenous material.

Creating separate pages where natural allows search engines to list title and headers from Linator as META tags for indexing. This is a definite aid to availability on the Web to search engines such as and

If long single documents are created with detail on the page itself, there will be no links or headers in the column to the right, with the greater overview that this offers.

The absence of further links in the right hand column is a sign that the bottom of a local structure has been reached, such as on this page.

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