Linator is fully compliant with all aspects of the W3C standard, HTML 4.01. Websites created using the Linator Editor are accessible to all users.
LINATOR's GUI (graphical user interface) is built to support different languages.

Linator automatically create web pages suitable for mobile devices. Here are the addresses, use the one best matching your device.

XML - the format of the future
XML is a forward-looking format for storing and exchanging data. XML templates will allow content from Linator to be imported into other programs.

Our philosophy is that wherever technically possible no one should be prevented from acquiring information from the Internet. Which is why we follow the W3C standard. See the W3C validator.

A message must be accessible to the user. Disabled users have full access to websites created with Linator. One example of this is the text version which has a menu system suitable for a Braille display or enlarged print.

So far very few PDA web browsers support the W3C standard. The PDA version of a Linator website is adjusted accordingly as the exception rather than the rule.

Linator's accessibility has been certified by "Bobby" (see the Bobby website)

Accessibility to search engines: Linator is on top!
Linator gives the search engine a title and header as a META tag for indexing a keyword and description for each individual page. Check whether Linator is on top...

 LANGUAGES   LINATOR MOBILE   XML - the format of the future 
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