IMAGES This page guides you through inserting images, step by step. LINKS This page takes you through the process of creating a link, step by step.
The main choices Choose template, page priority and category. The category field describes the page header which will be presented as a new page on other pages.
Click on NEW or AMEND to view all menu choices.
New Clicking NEW on the top menu line enables you to create a new page which will automatically be linked to the page you were in when you initially clicked NEW.
Title The total length of the title and header is 200 characters. The title must not exceed 70 characters and is shown in bold typeface. The title can be used as a navigation tool in various ways.
Header In some cases the header can be omitted. If it is used it can be shown as a separate field.
Keyword The keywords will often coincide with the title, but it has a predefined length of 18 characters. This is one of the elements that describes the structure of the website (the path to each individual document). Get into the habit of finding good, brief, descriptive keywords.
Template This field allows alternative templates for showing content (the area in which the material is presented) to be selected.
Priority Priority specifies the order in which subdocuments are shown in the table to the right and in the news and subject field.
Category Functions include making the title and header of pages further down in the structure appear the news and subject field. The entry in the category field might for example be: nKEYWORD.
And... The header field and the contents field (not shown on the illustration) are where text and images are entered and edited using other tools available in the Editor.